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Huw Richards

Huw Richards has been growing organic food in raised beds for the last 17 years and recently launched Abundance Academy, providing online courses on improving garden productivity. Huw’s YouTube channel has over 600,000 subscribers – the most popular videos have more than 4 million views. Huw has written three books with DK, Veg in One Bed (2019), Grow Food for Free (2020), The Vegetable Grower’s Handbook (2022).


Books for Capricorn Season

The archer becomes the sea-goat as the astrological year turns to Capricorn from December 22 – January 20. Like other earth signs (such as fellow horn-wearer, Taurus), Capricorns posses a practical and grounded nature that underpins their loftier ambitions. More than dreamers, Capricorns are planners. Their down-to-earth attitude means that Capricorns can be more disciplined

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