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David Schmader

David Schmader is a writer living and working in Seattle. From 1999-2014, Schmader served as associate editor at Seattle’s Pulitzer-winning newsweekly the Stranger, writing the column Last Days: The Week in Review. In 2015, Schmader became creative director of the award-winning nonprofit writing center the Greater Seattle Bureau of Fearless Ideas, where he also serves as writer-in-residence. In his spare time, he’s the world’s foremost authority on the brilliant horribleness of Showgirls, hosting annotated screenings of Paul Verhoeven’s stripper drama at cinemas across the U.S. and supplying the commentary track for the bestselling Showgirls DVD.


Books for the Cannabis Revolution

With nearly half of US states legalizing recreational cannabis usage–and medicinal and CBD usage enjoying an even broader reach–the country is at a pivotal moment with regards to cannabis. Whether you call it weed, pot, grass, or the devil’s lettuce, cannabis products are more popular and more publicly available than ever before. New users are

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