Fun Facts About the Brain from Dr. Chantal Prat

By Virginia Price | August 16 2022 | AdultsGeneralAll

In The Neuroscience of You, Chantel Prat, PhD, focuses not on how the average brain works but on how every brain is different, exactly why those variations are important, and what that means for all of us.


DID YOU KNOW . . . ?

  • You can find out how quickly your neurons “talk” to each other and connect. If your brain has a high processing speed, you’ll be able to “juggle” more ideas and tasks in your head; however, brains with slower processing speeds are often more creative.
  • You’re more likely to become friends with someone who has a brain like yours. Studies have shown that friends, and even friends of friends, have similar amounts of brain connectivity, chemical mix, and synchronization.
  • Thinking on different wavelengths shapes the amount of information we can juggle and problem-solving approaches we take.
  • At the boundaries of existing knowledge, our brains decide when to explore and when to ignore.
  • Learned mind-modeling efforts may be necessary for connecting with those that are different from you.


Chantel Prat, PhD, is Professor at the University of Washington with appointments in the departments of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Linguistics, with affiliations at the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences, the Center for Neurotechnology, and the Institute for Neuroengineering. Her studies have been profiled in media ranging from Scientific American, Psychology Today, and Science Daily to Rolling Stone, Popular Mechanics, Pacific Standard, Travel + Leisure, and National Public Radio. She lives in Seattle with her family and many pets.


How Every Brain Is Different and How to Understand Yours
A surprising new angle on brain science and learning from University of Washington Associate Professor and cognitive neuroscientist Chantel Prat, focusing not on how the average brain works but on how every brain is DIFFERENT, exactly why those variations are important, and what that means for all of us.
$28.00 US
Aug 02, 2022
6 x 9
384 Pages