Stuck at Home Survival Kits

By Caroline O'Connor | March 18 2020 | AllGiftBlogAdultsChildren'sGeneral

Stuck at home? Yeah, we feel you. But don’t worry, Penguin Random House is here to help! We have the solution to keep the boredom at bay, whether you are stuck home alone, with quarantine buddies, or with kids to keep entertained!

Please take a look at our sell sheets below to find the perfect books to keep your brain busy and kids distracted. We have educational workbooks for kids, fun and interesting readers, and tons of great activity books.  Don’t forget to check out our Fiction, Non-Fiction, and DIY lists as well!


For the kids…

Pre K Readers

Pre K Workbooks

Pre K Picture Books

Kindergarten Workbooks

Kindergarten Readers

First Grade Workbooks

Activity Books

Highlights Learning Fun Workbooks

For the grown-ups…

Fiction Bestsellers

Non-Fiction New and Bestsellers

DIY with Kids!


DIY for Crafters

DIY Lettering

DIY Needlework 

DIY Paper Craft 

DIY Drawing